Saturday, July 27, 2013

Popcorn party!!!!

Do you really want to impress the kiddos?  Pop popcorn in a bag, in the microwave. 
Here's how it works:
  • All you need is one brown "lunch bag" size paper bag

  • Put about 1/4 cup of your favorite popping corn inside
  • Fold down the top a bit so it doesn't pop all over your microwave
  • Place in microwave---I use the "popcorn" button and listen for it to stop popping.

The kids are absolutely amazed that they get to make their own popcorn and can even eat it out of the bag if you'd like--just sprinkle with a bit of salt.  Otherwise, it pours out great in to a big bowl. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Big letters....little letters....learn learn learn

As a mom of two boys who LOVE to play cars, I found this to be a fun, interactive way for them to learn their letters --both capital and lowercase. 
--Foam board
--26 matchbox style cars
--dot stickers for the letters (or I used a label maker)
Be creative and have fun with this. 
I made "parking spaces" with capital letters and dotted some roads.  On the actual cars you will put the lowercase letters.  The GOAL is that they would match the lowercase and the uppercase. 
The kids have had a lot of fun with this.  In the larger spaces we have placed people, trucks, houses....whatever the day brings.