Thursday, February 28, 2013

OH Red Red "Whine"

Dear Diary--Calgon.....take me away!!! 

So as I work in my home office I hear a "boom" and a "splat" and think "hmmmmm...." and then I hear the husband say "oh no...... no no......".  I know the kids are not home so I only have one assumption.....there is now a huge pile of RED matter all over my cream colored carpeting.

I know what you are thinking......why would a mother of two small boys have cream carpeting???
Oh weren't thinking that were you?  Is the red matter BLOOD?!   Nope. 

Why at 10:30 am it would be none other than gallons....and gallons of RED WINE!   My husband has been brewing a batch that he kept in the dining room while it was fermenting.  But somehow he claims it "slipped right off the table" and well..... all over my cream carpeting.  And I mean ALL.OVER.

So I stayed calm.  I knew taking a straw and trying to suck it up would only delay the process...and probably would be a little I got the carpet shampooer out only to figure out that this thing didn't have enough power to combat this mess.

Quickly googling 'how to remove red wine from carpeting' I found so many different ideas.  Of course the answers my husband found were opposite of mine.  So we went with my ideas---- borax, white wine and salt...and scrubbed and pasted.  It's drying now. 

And my husband is out purchasing paint to cover the red wine stains all over the white wall.  AND pricing carpeting.  Sure, I've asked for new carpeting for another room for two years and after only ONE spill from him in a room with perfect carpet, it's about to be replaced.  Momma thinks she's going to finally get her 'new' carpeting in the family room kids!  Funny how things work.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cheap and easy way to decorate kids rooms!

So I find that every week my oldest son is in to something different when it comes to his bedroom.  First it was cars, then fire engines, then spiderman and now seems to be any action hero.  I found that using removable stickers are a great way to change up the decor quickly and more importantly, CHEAPLY.  Here is an easy to use bedroom decor (even a kid can do it!) that is definitely worth checking out.  We've had quite a few different ones over the last couple of years and they work great.   Super easy to apply--and the kids can move them around the room if they wish (all by themselves).  

Monday, February 25, 2013

FUN way to learning letters....numbers....sight words (oh my!)

My 4 year old is currently learning his alphabet and I have a great game that is very interactive, fun and gives them a little "edible treat"--which of course both of the boys love.  It's actually a great way for my 21 month old to begin learning his letters as well.

So here is what you need:
Plastic cups
Dry-erase marker  (if all you have is a sharpee you can use that along with a "magic eraser" to wipe it off OR you can actually just use stickers/masking tape with the letters written on them)
Treats (I used M&Ms, but stickers can even be used)

Yup--it's THAT easy!!!


  • Take 3 cups and draw ONE letter on each
  • Put a treat (like an M&M) under ONE of the cups (don't let your little one see which cup though)
  • Let your little one "guess" which cup it's under by SAYING the letter.  Once they get the letter right, they can lift up the cup.  The best part is they can keep trying until they "win".
  • Wipe off the letters and start with new letters
  • This can also be done with numbers and sight words
Have fun!!

I hope to post a picture soon.