Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year--new post.....

So I seriously suck at this blogging thing.  BUT as in the title, this is the true reality of being a "me" time.  I'm really going to try much harder to make more time for "me" this year....2013.  By the way, Happy New Year to all!!

So I'm going to make some resolutions for myself that I'm sure to keep:

  1.  Losing Weight.  
  • Sure, I can do it just like all the rest.  I'm not saying I won't gain in right back--but I can certainly lose it.  No.  Really though--I want to go from Flabulous to Fabulous in 2013.  Not quite sure how I am going to make that happen yet, although I did get a Wii for Christmas along with the Zumba workout.  
2.  Tell him what he THINKS he wants to hear.  
  • So the dear husband always tells me that I need to TELL him what I want--as in giving me help with things around the house, etc etc.  Although I've had this conversation several times and have even made up cute little index cards to help give visuals to the tasks that are needed around the house, I will make his wish part of my resolution and be very upfront and honest with him.  I'm sure he's going to love it!
3.  Drink more.
  • Beer.....water.....whatever.   One makes mommy happy, the other makes the body happy.  We'll split the difference.  
4.  Play more.
  • As in lottery.  SOMEONE has to win, right?  Sure, I played a handful of times throughout 2012--mainly when the stakes were high.  But this mama is going to play hard in 2013 and like most Americans, hang on to the dreams of winning big.  What would YOU do with your winnings?  

I think that's about all for now.  Hooray for my first post of 2013!!!   Perhaps I'll see ya again in about 3-4 months.  (kidding, I hope!  I really need to get better at this.)